My Portfolio is now available and mundane meanderings
Life has been a whirlwind in many directions as of late. I’m glad I’m a fairly grounded person, because if not, I can’t imagine I wouldn’t fall off this roller-coaster. I can’t say I have many major complaints, however.
I decided to work on my portfolio yesterday, which you can view in its full glory. There are a few other sites I want to add that were fairly complex design, but am thinking through whether that would be a detriment.
I’ve really wanted to get into some mobile development on the side, just learn the ins and outs of it across various platforms and maybe even look into app development at some point.
I’d also like to get to a point of taking classes of some sort to get more involved with programming javascript/jQuery, php, and possibly AJAX. I think they would be extremely beneficial, so I’m at least research avenues to make this possible right now.
I’m making a massive to-do list of stuff I want to knock out and just haven’t had the motivation to do yet and just tackling one at a time until it’s gone. Hoping to stir up a bees nest there.
I decided on a whim to go on a hay ride today in Orrtanna to clear my head and do some soul searching. I think I have a game plan moving forward, and while it’s going to take an insane amount of work and dedication on my part, that’s what I’m best at right?
I also have not done a “5-year” goal post in a few years, so I think it’s about time to check up on my old ones and make some new ones. Sorta dust off the apathy and pour some motivation onto it.
I have an amazing support system though, some of these people are the foundation in which I bask.
What else is new…dad and I are trying to fill up our wood racks for the winter. We started the woodstove for the first time the other day and I absolutely love the feeling of wood heat seeping into my bones.
As mentioned before, our kitchen oven has gone up and is not fixable (according to our repair dude). I had worked to figure out a plan on how I was going to pay for it by dipping into my christmas fund, but then I got an amazing offer to have one bought for me as a gift for dad and I for the holidays. It arrives Tuesday and is black and swank. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed baking this last month I’ve been without a stove.
Still, I am always looking for freelance work, so if you know of anyone that needs some HTML mastery done, hit me up.