Financial Goals over the next 3 months

Financial Goals over the next 3 months

It’s important to set goals for different time periods. Goals for the next few months, goals for the year, goals for the next 5 years, long term goals, etc. So here are my plans for Jan/Feb/March:

– Pay 6 month premium for my car insurance, which leaves me $270+ to put towards my fathers loan. (Done)
– Receive around $8-10k back in taxes, which includes the Federal Housing no-interest loan of $7500 for first time home-buyers.
– Pay the $6k left on my car off.
– Pay off 3 of the 4 remaining people who lent money for our down payment.
– Start putting my car payment towards my father’s loan. Any excess will go towards the last person I have left to pay back for our down payment.
– Up my 401k contribution by 2% (Done)